Monday, July 13, 2009

Bench Press/SDHP & Ring Dips

Coach let me do two workouts strength training and one metcon and I LOVED was REALLY hard but oh so satisfying!!!

Workout Number 1

"Gettin' Stronger" WOD: Bench presses

The object of today's bench presses was to go down, pause for one second and then explode back up....8 reps.

I did 55/65/75/85x7/95x4

Workout Number 2

CrossFit WOD:
7 rounds for time of:
- 65 lb Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (SDLHP), 10 reps
- Ring Dips, 10 reps

I did the ring dips on the rings with the green bands for the last 3 rounds my right arm was not wanting to go extend at all and I did try with all my wasn't pretty but I did finish.

I did the SDLHP as prescribed.

Considering I was seeing spots by the end of the workout I feel pretty good about my time.

Time: 12:53

I then did two laps around the building (at a VERY slow jog) with Tricia, GariAnn and El.

What a satisfying night!

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