Sunday, May 31, 2009

Filthy Fifty

- 50 box jumps (24"/20")
- 50 jumping pullups
- 50 kettlebell swings (16 kg/12 kg)
- 50 walking lunges
- 50 knees-to-elbows
- 50 push press (45#/35#)
- 50 back extensions
- 50 wallballs (20#/16#)
- 50 burpees
- 50 double-unders

for time

I have to say when I saw this workout come up, I was not looking forward to it at all! It had already been an especially hard week and the thought of this doing this metcon workout was daunting. I did give it my all because that is the CrossFit way!

I decided to start with Walking Lunges and with Coach's "encouragement" touched my knees to the floor more times then not.

I then moved on to Knees to Elbows, which is a lot harder then it sounds....I had to chaulk up my hands a few times as they kept on feeling like they were slipping on the rings.

I then did Back Extensions.

Next was Kettlebell problem, I got all 50 out without stopping.

Then it was on to the Push Presh, which for some reason I thought was a Shoulder Press until 15 into when Coach corrected me.

Next was jumping took me a little while because by this time my legs were starting to shake and I was already feeling like I was CTD (Circling the Drain).

I then moved on to Double-Unders which was a HUGE struggle for me.

Next was the dreaded box jump...I opted to do the 16" because I was so darn tired and quite frankly a little scared. It took me forever but I did get through it (with only a few tears).

Then time was up....I finished in something like 47 minutes.

I never did get to burpees or wallball.....

Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Kettlebell Hell"

Tabata Intervals (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest repeated 8 times) applied in turn to:
- Front squat
- Double clean-and-jerk
- Alternating floor press
- Alternating rows

with a one-minute rotation break between exercises.
(24/16 kg)

Score is total number of reps in the workout

I am very pleased to say that I did this workout "as prescribed" in the black baby!!! I'm also pleased to say that there is no place to go but up.....I don't think my numbers could be any lower then were today.

~Front Squat ~ I managed to eek out 16 reps
~Double Clean and Jerk ~ I got 8, one every 20 seconds
~Alternating Floor Press ~ 38
~Alternating Rows ~ 8 and that was with Coach assisting me in getting the darn kettlebells off the floor and overhead

16/8/38/8 = 70

Overall it was a pretty painful workout....which showed by a bit bitchiness that occurred after the workout...I try not to get that way because then there are no amends that need to be made after the fact. I failed at that tonight but hopefully it is out of my system for a long time to come.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Shoulder press 1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5 reps

Tonight I struggled, there is no other way to put it....I was excited and ready but it just wasn't happening....

Shoulder Press: 75/85/85
Push Press: 85x2/75/80
Push Jerk: 75/80/75

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Monday 5/18/09 ~ "Heavy Fran"

15-, 12-, and 9-rep rounds of:
- thrusters (135#/95#)
- 40 lb weighted pullups for time

I did not do this workout as prescribed because....well because I cannot do 95's as simple as that. But I did do more than I ever have on the Thrusters....75 lbs to be exact! It wasn't pretty...not in any way, shape or form but I did it!

Thrusters ~ 75 range of motion (LRM)
Pullups ~ Big Blues, Dead Hang

Time: 17:25

Saturday 5/16/09 ~ Annie

50-40-30-20- and 10-rep rounds of:
- Double-unders
- Situps
for time

Acceptable subs for double-unders are:
- Tuck jumps
- Burpees (1:2 ratio)
- Squat thrusts
- Mountain climbers
- Up-downs

Annie, Annie, Annie.......what more can I say?!

One day I will be able to do a double-under and when I do....there will be a MAJOR celebration! In the meantime I have to settle for Tuck jumps.....

I don't know why but I just wasn't feeling Annie love doing this workout.....I was actually slower then my last time....hmmm....

Last time we did this workout I finished in 13:27

This time I finished in 14:40.

Friday 5/15/09 ~ Single-arm KB Clean-and-jerks

Max reps in 10 minutes
Men - 28 KG;
Women - 20 KG

I could not do this workout as prescribed....while I could clean the 20 KG kettlebell (albeit slowly) there was no way I was getting that sucker over my head. So I settled for the 16 KG Kettlebell.

I ended up doing 55 reps.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wednesday 5/13/09 ~ Running and more Running

200 meter run x 8 rounds
2 minutes rest between rounds

I know I am the odd person out on my opinion of this workout but I find something very cathartic about running...I am by no means the fastest nor the prettiest runner but I like it none the less.

As I said, I am not times for the 8 rounds are as follows:


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saturday 5/9/09 ~ Movement-timed Stations #2

3 rounds; stations are timed from the "distance" movement
Don't worry - it'll make more sense when you see it.

- Plate pushes (45/35#) - distance movement: 40 meters
- Supermans
- Kettlebell swings (16/12 kg)
- Wallball (16/12 lb)
- Ring rows
- Pop presses (45/35#)

The best way to describe this workout is tortuous or perhaps, no, no the best way to describe it is excruciatingly painful!!

First off, I could not get the darn plate to move forward, Coach said it was because I was pushing down and not forward....whatever the reason it was completely frustrating!! I hope I have a completely different result next time.

Here is the break down of my rather poor is in order of Plate pushes, supermans, wallball, kettlebell swings, Pop presses and Ring rows.

Round 1 ~ 5/2/6/30/13/11 = 67
Round 2 ~ 5/9/8/25/20/10 = 77
Round 3 ~ 5/10/8/10/15/8 = 56

Total: 200

Thursday 5/7/09 ~ Back Squats

Back Squats 5-5-5-5-5

I was a little apprehensive about this workout as I tend to cry when I push myself hard on squat workouts, especially when going low...very low....low, low,, I was VERY pleased when that did not happen...WOO HOO!!



Tuesday, May 5, 2009


3 rounds for time of:
- 20 meters Beck's Burpees
- 180 meter run
- 20 SDLHP (75/55#)
- 20 situps

Another new CTD workout.....Holy Crap! I was SO relieved when Coach changed it from 5 Rounds to 3, I thought it might be kinda fun. Maybe it will be fun the next time we do it BUT tonight it was just exhausting!!! The good news is, I did do it as prescribed....WOO HOO!!

Time: 19:50

Monday 5/4/09 ~ Overhead lunges

100 Overhead lunges
for time (50/side)

This was a new workout, an extremely, extremely, hard workout....oh my goodness! I have a hard time with lunges and since I struggle to get my knees to touch the ground, Coach only had me do 25 lbs....I cannot imagine doing 60 lbs like Ellen did....OMG!!!

Time: 14:38

Saturday 5/2/09 ~ "Helen"

- 400 meter run
- 21 Kettlebell swings (24 kg)
- 12 pullups
3 rounds for time

Helen has always been one of my most favorite workouts BUT not so much this day. I just was not feeling the run nor the pullups. Next time is bound to be better!

Time: 16:16

Friday, May 1, 2009


After a thorough warmup of progressively increasing weights, perform three rounds of:
- 12 bench press
- 12 deadlifts for weight.
There is no time component to this workout. Recommended rest time between sets is 3-5 minutes.

Excellent workout.....twelve is a LOT of flippin' reps!! I am very pleased with my performance and am so glad that Coach encouraged me to go higher than I would have on my own.

Bench press: 65/75/75....I would have liked to go higher but my form was lacking tonight.
Deadlift: 165/175/185.....Let me stress again....12 reps is a freakin' LOT!!!!!