Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Saturday 5/16/09 ~ Annie

50-40-30-20- and 10-rep rounds of:
- Double-unders
- Situps
for time

Acceptable subs for double-unders are:
- Tuck jumps
- Burpees (1:2 ratio)
- Squat thrusts
- Mountain climbers
- Up-downs

Annie, Annie, Annie.......what more can I say?!

One day I will be able to do a double-under and when I do....there will be a MAJOR celebration! In the meantime I have to settle for Tuck jumps.....

I don't know why but I just wasn't feeling Annie love doing this workout.....I was actually slower then my last time....hmmm....

Last time we did this workout I finished in 13:27

This time I finished in 14:40.

1 comment:

  1. It's ok - consider it an off day.
    Next time you'll "find your fire"
