Thursday, February 26, 2009

Front squats


I have never been a big fan of the Front Squat....last time we did 5's and I got the following:


This time it was 3's and with Cheri's encouragement (Thank you Cheri) I decided to hit it a little harder.

1st round ~ felt pretty good
2nd round ~ still felt pretty good...from this point on I was going into PR territory!
3rd round ~ was starting to feel pretty heavy but I was still managing to squat all the way down to the box.
4th round ~ 115.....whew, but I did it!
5th round ~ 125.....I was feeling a little panicky, the sucker was HEAVY and I was not getting down all the way to the box but I was so afraid that once I got down there I would not be able to get back time I will be more prepared for that heavy of a weight.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday 2/25/09

200 meter run x 8 rounds
2 minutes rest between rounds

I thought I did pretty well considering I run like my feet are stuck in cement.....

Round 1 ~ 58 seconds
Round 2 ~ 1:02
Round 3 ~ 58 seconds
Round 4 ~ 1:02
Round 5 ~ 1:00
Round 6 ~ 1:03
Round 7 ~ 1:02
Round 8 ~ 1:04

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

CrossFit Stations #2 - three rounds

With a continuously running clock, spend one minute at each station. Workout is for three rounds with one minute rest between rounds.

The clock does not stop or reset between stations. On call of "rotate", each person moves immediately to the next station in the sequence.

- Wallball (men: 20 lbs/women: 16 lbs)
- Pullups
- Slamball (20 lbs/16 lbs)
- Situps
- Box jumps (20"/16")

One point is given for each repetion, with continuous counting through the entire round. Score is the total number of points through the entire workout.

Great metcon workout! I actually did better then I ever have and with less only modification was jumping pullups (no bands) on the low bar.

Round 1 ~ I got in 75 reps
Round 2 ~ I got in 71 reps
Round 3 ~ I got in 72 reps

For a TOTAL of 218

Monday, February 23, 2009

"CrossFit Total"

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Each person will have two attempts for a max at each lift, rather than three. Make sure you get a good warmup!

This is truly one of my favorite workouts!!

Tonight I managed to hit 2 PR's and after my poor showing on was SUCH a relief.

Back Squat ~ 165 lbs ~ PR
My previous PR was 155 lbs

Shoulder Press ~ 80 lbs
5 lbs short of my last PR

Deadlift ~ 270 lbs
My previous PR was 255 lbs

In all honesty my Deadlift was NOT pretty at all...there was some hitching involved but I still got it up and I am SO freakin happy about that!!!

Thought for the day....
You must do the things you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Turkish Getup Hell.....

30-rep Turkish Getups x 3 sets for weight
15 per side; you may not put the weight down until all repetitions are finished

OH....MY.....GOD.....I was stuck in TGU hell this morning. I am truly trying to bond with Turkish Getups but 3 sets of 30....OH NO!!!

It was really kind of sad because I was only using 10 lbs.

1st Set ~ I decided to do all 15 on each side at was okay with my right arm but by the time I was done with 15 on my left, my shoulder was numb.

2nd Set ~ I decided to break them up into sets of 5 but I was so frustrated by the end that tears were beginning to flow. I'm not sure why I was frustrated, maybe because I was going so slow or my form wasn't just right...who knows but I was totally over it and I still had one more Set to go....which only made my need to cry worse.

3rd Set ~ On Cheri's advise (thanks Cheri) I started with my left arm first (my weak arm) so that I could finish up on the right. It actually helped alot and even though my eyes watered (okay I was crying) throughout the last set...I did finish.

I hope we don't have to do this workout again for a long time!

Friday 2/20/09 ~ "Tabata Something Else"

Tabata intervals applied in turn to:
- Pullups
- Pushups
- Situps
- SquatsFor total repetitions.
Complete all rounds of one exercise before moving to the next; No rest between rounds or exercises.

I actually like this workout, it is tough but fun.....I did not do too badly.

Situps ~ 75
Squats ~ 53
Pullups ~ 49
Pushups ~ 45

Total: 222

Modifications: Mini-bands and incline pushups

Coach informed Ellen and me that he would no longer be allowing partial range of motions in our workouts ie. if he did not see chin over the bar he would not count it....looks like my nickname will be one, as in I will never get past one pullup...I can hear Coach, one, one, one.....OY!!

In reality, I know it will just make me stronger so bring it on....LOL!

Wednesday 2/18/09 ~ Power cleans


I love Power cleans....that does not mean I can do them correctly but I REALLY want to!!

That being said I did 1's for 3 reps....


and then worked on form by doing 3's the rest of the workout....


I would have liked to continue going but time would not allow it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Death by Pullup

With a continuously running clock, perform one pullup the first minute, two the second, three the third, and so on until you cannot complete the prescribed number. Breaks between pullups are permitted, as long as the required number is completed within the minute.

After the "last man standing" fails, there will be a 2 minute rest, followed by a second round. The score is the total number of completed pullups in the workout.

Scale the workout down by using enough assistance to allow approximately 8-12 pullups in a row while fresh. Scale the workout up by adding enough additional weight to limit continuous pullups to 8-12 repetitions while fresh.

I have always like this workout...I did not do as many as I did last time but I think I was pulling a lot harder this time.

Round 1 ~ 14+13 = 118
Round 2 ~ 10 + 9 = 64

Total ~ 182

Modifications: Minis, Low Bar, Jumping

Monday 2/16/09 ~ "Kelly"

Five rounds for time of
- 400 meter run
- 30 box jumps (20/16")
- 30 wallball shots (20/16#)

Oh My Goodness....this was a tough one but I still liked it!

It has the 3 things that I am slowest jumps because of this darn mental block; running, I run like my feet are stuck in cement and wallball shots, although I feel I am getting better at these.

I only finished 3 rounds because of the 30 minute cut off but I am looking forward to doing this one again!

Time: 34:06

Saturday, February 14, 2009


75 power snatches (75#/55#)
For time

As excited as I was about Bench Press...I was just as worried about doing Randy!!

The last time we did this took me 14:03 to finish and I was only using 45 lbs. It was just so flippin tiring!

This time not only did I use a higher weight but it did not feel half bad (until the end) and I finished in a much faster time!! Woo Hoo!!!

50 lbs

Time: 10:29

Friday 2/13/09 ~ Bench Press


I was pretty excited about doing Bench Press tonight as I finally feel my form is improving....

5 ~ I started at 75 lbs and it felt really good actually...Coach said the form on my first two was really good, then it kind of deteriorated from there.

4 ~ 85 lbs....again the first two were my best but it still felt good overall.

3 ~ 95 was starting to get heavy and I was starting to think (probably too much) about my next two lifts.

2 ~ 105 lbs x 1.....I only got it up once but it was a PR!!

1 ~ 110 lbs....No Go....I could not even get it off my chest!

Wednesday 2/11/09 ~ "Diane"

21-, 15-, and 9 reps of:
- Deadlifts (225/155)
- Handstand pushups
for time

I really like this workout and I feel really good about my time...

I only used one modification ~ Pike pushups on floor.

Time: 8:26

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Back squats


I had a pretty good workout tonight, it's a good workout anytime you hit a PR!

I started with 5 at 115

I then moved up to 125 for was starting to feel heavy.

I then moved up to 145 for felt really heavy and I got a cramp in my shoulder....the craziest thing.

Then it was on to 155 for 2.....not very pretty but I did it.....

Last rep....I went for a PR of 160 lbs and got it!! I do have to note that my form was not good...not good at all BUT a PR none the less!! ;-)

Monday, February 9, 2009

"DEFYght Gone Bad" - 3 rounds

at each of 5 stations:
- Wallball (20 lbs/16 lbs)
- Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75 lbs/55 lbs)
- Box jumps (20")
- Push press (75 lbs/55 lbs)
- Double-unders (replaces the rowing in the original FGB)

No rest between stations; 60 seconds rest between rounds.

Each repetition completed with full range-of-motion counts as a point. Complete three rounds for total points

The only modification I had was tuck jumps in place of double unders (I still cannot do those darn things)

The first round I actually ended up doing 75 lbs for the push press and was a complete mistake but I only did 5 reps less then on the next two rounds...I guess I am getting!

I finished with 175 total points


21-, 15-, and 9 reps each of:
- thrusters (95#/65#)
- pullups for time
Modifications: 55# and mini bands on the low bar

I continue to struggle with those darn thrusters...I believe my form is getting better but I'm just not very fast.

Time: 11:15

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Semi-Murph, or "Smurph", and will be written up in blue, of course

- 1/2 mile run
- 50 pullups
- 100 pushups
- 150 squats
- 1/2 mile run

I really liked this workout with the exception of the squats....I just really struggle with them for some reason....

Mini Bands and Incline pushups

Time: 33:25

I am actually looking forward to doing this workout again....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"Barbell Hell"

Tabata intervals applied in turn to:
- Push jerks
- Cleans
- Floor presses
- Deadlifts

With one minute rest between exercises.

Exercises can be performed in any order desired. Complete all sets of one exercise before moving on to the next. Workout is done for total reps and weight for each exercise

This is one of those workouts that you end up liking because you are so sure you are going to die at some point during the workout that when you don't and actually live through the whole thing, you have this great sense of accomplishment! Okay, I may be exaggerating just a bit but you get the picture....

Anyhow this is how it went for me....

Push Jerk ~ 32
Cleans ~ 24
SDLHP ~ 32
Floor Press ~ 32
All of the above were done with 65 lbs
Deadlift ~ 24 with 135 lbs

Next time will be better...I'm just sure of it!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Kettlebell Renegade Rows (3-count)

10 reps x 7 sets for weight

There is no time component to this workout, and weight may be changed between sets.

Wow....tough workout for me!!

I started with 12 lbs for the 1st Round

I continued with 12 lbs for Round 2 but had to break it up because I was feeling a "tweak" in my back...7+3

Round 3...I moved up to 20 lbs but still had to break it up...5+3+2

Round 4....20 lbs broken up...4+4+2 ~ Coach asked why I was having to breakup the rounds and I explained that my upper back (between the shoulder blades) was hurting.

Round 5....20 lbs broken up....4+3+3 ~ Coach said that I was letting my butt sink during my pushups and that is what was probably affecting my he had me switch to knee pushups.

Round 6....20 lbs...knee pushups

Round 7.....20 lbs...knee back felt fine during the last two sets.

The good news is there is no place to go but up!!!