Saturday, February 21, 2009

Turkish Getup Hell.....

30-rep Turkish Getups x 3 sets for weight
15 per side; you may not put the weight down until all repetitions are finished

OH....MY.....GOD.....I was stuck in TGU hell this morning. I am truly trying to bond with Turkish Getups but 3 sets of 30....OH NO!!!

It was really kind of sad because I was only using 10 lbs.

1st Set ~ I decided to do all 15 on each side at was okay with my right arm but by the time I was done with 15 on my left, my shoulder was numb.

2nd Set ~ I decided to break them up into sets of 5 but I was so frustrated by the end that tears were beginning to flow. I'm not sure why I was frustrated, maybe because I was going so slow or my form wasn't just right...who knows but I was totally over it and I still had one more Set to go....which only made my need to cry worse.

3rd Set ~ On Cheri's advise (thanks Cheri) I started with my left arm first (my weak arm) so that I could finish up on the right. It actually helped alot and even though my eyes watered (okay I was crying) throughout the last set...I did finish.

I hope we don't have to do this workout again for a long time!


  1. You make it sound so sad and horrible!!
    10lbs is still alot when doing 90 of anything - so don't poo-poo it!
    .....and you really weren't going that slow - you only had 5 to go every time I finished.
    Next time this comes up - promise me you won't let it get in your head - when you're doing them, don't let your brain tell you how miserable you are, just concentrate on the next step in the TGU....I know you'll never love these, but you can make them a little less miserable for yourself!

  2. You did just fine Patty. You didn't attempt to quit, you just kept going even though you didn't fell like it...That is exactly the push through thing attitude you always say you don't have...liar. I think you did awesome!
