Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"Barbell Hell"

Tabata intervals applied in turn to:
- Push jerks
- Cleans
- Floor presses
- Deadlifts

With one minute rest between exercises.

Exercises can be performed in any order desired. Complete all sets of one exercise before moving on to the next. Workout is done for total reps and weight for each exercise

This is one of those workouts that you end up liking because you are so sure you are going to die at some point during the workout that when you don't and actually live through the whole thing, you have this great sense of accomplishment! Okay, I may be exaggerating just a bit but you get the picture....

Anyhow this is how it went for me....

Push Jerk ~ 32
Cleans ~ 24
SDLHP ~ 32
Floor Press ~ 32
All of the above were done with 65 lbs
Deadlift ~ 24 with 135 lbs

Next time will be better...I'm just sure of it!


  1. Oh - I don't think you're exaggerating at all! Of course you'll do better next time - you'll be counting correctly! :)
