Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dip, Grip and Rip!!


I have always liked doing deadlifts but I have to say, now that I'm starting to go a little heavier the thought of hurting my back is always in the back of my mind. I really need to get over that because as long as I use good form I am in no danger of that happening.

Today I was really hoping for a PR but unfortunately that did not happen BUT I will say that 255 has never felt so good!

Here's how it went....

255 ~ my previous PR
265 ~ Failed
265 ~ Failed...I decided at this point to go down 5 which would still be a PR
260 ~ Failed....DRAT!! I decided to go down even more to end on a good note....
245 ~ Failed....Whatcha gonna do?

I will get it next time for sure!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Filthy Fifty

- 50 box jumps (24"/20")
- 50 jumping pullups
- 50 kettlebell swings (16 kg/12 kg)
- 50 walking lunges
- 50 knees-to-elbows
- 50 push press (45#/35#)
- 50 back extensions
- 50 wallballs (20#/16#)
- 50 burpees
- 50 double-unders
for time

I did not finish the workout tonight and as disappointing as that is, I guess it will teach to improve on my time! Next time, I will be ready!!

~I started with burpees since that is one of the two things I struggle with most.....
~Next I moved on to the box jump...I opted for the 16" as the 20" still really scares me
~Then I moved on to kettlebell swings, last time I did the 50 without stopping, this time I had to take a break
~I then moved on to wallball...last time I used the 8#, this time I used the 12#
~Then on to back extensions
~Next was push press...I felt SO proud when coach said that this was the best they have ever looked. :-) :-)
~I then moved on to walking lunges....Coach gave the 5 minute warning and I still had 3 stations to wasn't looking good.
~Next and last was jumping pullups using the mini bands....I finished this round and then time was up.....

Time: 41:11

I did not complete double-unders, which for me would have been tuck jumps and Knees to Elbows, which would have been situps....Next time for sure!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Front squats


Front Squats have never been my favorite workout but I think I did okay....I still need a lot of work but I'm sure it will come....eventually.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"Fightin' Helen"

3 rounds for time of:
- 200 heavy bag punches (your choice of hit)
- 21 kettlebell swings (24/16 kg)
- 12 pullups

I was SO excited for this workout for one reason and one reason was going to give me a chance to wear my hot pink handwraps! I felt good all wrapped up and was totally ready to hit the turns out my technique was not so great and I took skin off of several top knuckles and you know what?? That freakin hurts!! But I handled it like a true jock and did not whine or complain AT ALL!!!
Okay, that is not true I really handled it badly but I DID NOT cry and that is the truth! Next time I will handle it better...

I did have one modification and that was jumping pullups....

Time: 10:28

Monday, January 26, 2009


7 rounds for time of:
- 95 lb/65 lb Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (SDLHP), 10 reps
- Ring Dips, 10 reps

I have always liked Sumo Deadlift High Pulls or maybe I just have always liked saying it....hmmm.....regardless, I took almost 2 minutes off my last time, the big difference is I modified the workout by doing foot assisted on the bar instead of the rings.

Time: 11:04

We then practiced wacky wall walkers....I'm pretty sure everyone encourages me to try these new things just so they can see me hyper-ventilate! Okay, maybe that is not true but it happens none the less....

Saturday, January 24, 2009

30, 20, 10

30, 20, and 10-rep rounds of:
- KB swings
- Bench press
- Goblet squats
- Feet-to-sky
for time

This was a first for this particular workout and I found it quite only regret was modifying the bench press to 65 lbs....I would still have to modify but I should have done it at 75 lbs.

Time: 14:37

After the workout several of us went to an Olympic Training Meet at MBS was incredibly interesting and much more laid back then the last meet we all attended. I did have an "How Did I Get Here" moment while watching the meet, as little as a year ago, I would have NEVER seen myself in room full of jocks pushing incredible amounts of weight, much less being totally into it AND thinking about doing it myself!! It just goes to show, you just never know what kind of turn life will take.


Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps

This particular on this particular evening gave me a serious case of Terets! I really, really need to start watching my mouth.....Holy Smokes!


Shoulder Press: 75/80/85/85/85 ~ at least I failed at a higher number this time
Push Press: 85/90x2/90/95x1/95x1
Push Jerk: 85/90x1 ~ we had to cut it short because of time constraints

Thursday, January 22, 2009


- Run 400 m
- Max rep pullups

AMRAP in 20 minutes; Note number of pullups each round

Great, great workout....I'm not quite sure why I like running workouts so much because I am definitely not a fast runner....they just appeal to me, I guess it is just one of those mysteries of life.

I ended up doing 6 Rounds + 200 meters and 34 jumping pullups

"It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop." ~ Confucious

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barbell hack squats


Ellen was right, this particular movement was made for chicken legs like mine!

I'm pretty pleased with my performance for the first time out......


Next time I'm going to shoot for 200!

Monday, January 19, 2009


- 50 Pull-ups
- 400 meter run
- 21 thrusters (95/65 lbs)
- 800 meter run
- 21 thrusters (95/65 lbs)
- 400 meter run
- 50 Pull-ups For time I was feeling a bit of trepidation about this workout which for me always spells trouble, it wasn't the run that had me uptight but rather the thrusters. I have been trying so very hard to jock it up a notch but tonight I became the old whiner girl.....the more frustrated I became the worse it got.....GAH!!!

Well....I just need to jump back on the jock bandwagon and recommit to the program!


55 lb Thrusters and minis on the low bar....

Time: 26:38

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Complete AMRAP* in 20 minutes of:
- 5 pullups
- 10 pushups
- 15 squats

*AMRAP: As Many Rounds As Possible

Cindy is a great old standard for was actually one of my first CrossFit Workouts. Although she doesn't hold a candle to Helen, it is still rather fun to do.....

Today I did 9 Rounds plus Pullups and Pushups...

Modifications: Minis on the Low Bar

This afternoon we went to Cheri's housewarming....I really love how the DEFY! group always shows up to support each other!! Cheri if you happen to read this, your home is beautiful and the food OMG wonderful!!! Thank you for having us!

Thursday, January 15, 2009



Okay, because I have this need to be honest....I kinda of backslid in my attempt to always maintain a positive attitude. I was talking with my friend Lisa on the phone and mentioned in casual conversation that I thought Snatches sucked....well, she mentioned it to Coach during her workout and he called me on well he should always have someone in their life who calls them on their crap.

Here is the funny thing, even though I mentioned that to her in casual conversation, on the way to the workout instead of doing my usual "this is going to be terrible" ; "I'm going to be worst one"; "what if I drop the bar on head"; etc. thinking....I was actually doing the opposite , "you can do this"; "no problem"; "it's in the bag" and it actually worked!!

Coach has been telling me forever (well at least since we have been working together) that "if you think you are going to fail then you already have" (I might not have the quote exactly right but you get the jist) and you know what he is right!! Really right!!

I actually think I like Snatches.....there I said it!! I'm thrilled!!

My weight was not that heavy but they felt pretty darn good!!


Now, I guess I should put a call into Lisa and tell her I was wrong......

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Death by Pullup

With a continuously running clock, perform one pullup the first minute, two the second, three the third, and so on until you cannot complete the prescribed number. Breaks between pullups are permitted, as long as the required number is completed within the minute.

After the "last man standing" fails, there will be a 2 minute rest, followed by a second round. The score is the total number of completed pullups in the workout.

Scale the workout down by using enough assistance to allow approximately 8-12 pullups in a row while fresh. Scale the workout up by adding enough additional weight to limit continuous pullups to 8-12 repetitions while fresh.

Let's first talk about my modifications....I used mini bands on the low bar, jumping.

That being said...I still feel pretty good about how I did.....

First Round: 13 + 12 = 103
Second Round: 12 + 9 = 87
Total: 190

Tomorrow is a snatch night.....I wish it was cleans but we can't always get everything we want. I'm sure it will be good for me.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


21-, 15-, and 9-rep rounds of:
- Renegade Rows (35/25#)
- KB Swings (32/24 kg)for time

I bought this wonderful little spiral notebook today with the idea that I could easily carry it in my bag and be able to jot down my workouts and then transfer them over to my blog and big notebook. But it kinda defeats the purpose if you leave your little notebook at the gym....ARGH!

Lets see, I did use one modification...I used a 20# dumbbell instead of the 25

I finished in 13:38....I believe that is right.

The workout was dripping sweat from your forehead onto the floor tough, that being said....I still kinda liked it. I think I have lost my mind....

Monday, January 12, 2009

Breathing Squats

5 sets x 20 reps

This is a rest-pause technique in which the lifter does a rep, takes a breath, and repeats 19 times.

If you haven't done this before, start with a weight that seems too easy and build from there.

I have to say that I am VERY proud of my performance tonight...that is HUGE statement coming from me.... self-deprecation is more my style but I'm attempting to give it up this year.

The last time I did this workout was on December 17th and I did not think I did too badly by doing 75/75/75/80

Tonight I went higher then I thought possible.....80/80/85/90/95!! YES!!!

I am excited to see what tomorrow night will bring!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

CrossFit Goals

Yesterday after a morning of embracing TGU's....Coach, Rich, Ellen and I went to lunch. During that time the topic turned toward our goals for this next year. I am not normally a big resolution person but I can understand the validity of goal setting. My main fear is one of failure.....what if I don't achieve my goals?? Which in itself is negative thinking, are you starting to see the tangled web of my in an attempt to show my new positive side, I am writing down a few reachable goals for this year!

Double-umders - I am going to strive to get those elusive suckers under my belt.

Pullups - I would like to be out of bands within the next six months.

Deadlifts - I would like to be able to hit 320 lbs. My current PR is 255, so I do believe this doable.

Oly Lifts - I would really like to get my technique down!

Helen - I would like to get it done in 11 minutes or less....I am currently at a little over 14 minutes.

Okay, that is the short list....I think I will print this up and put it on my refrigerator and check each item off as the goal is achieved! How's that for positive thinking!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Turkish Getups

1-1-1-1-1 (1 per side per round)

I am truly trying to embrace TGU's this year...I actually got a PR today! It's still not alot of weight but a PR none the less!

18-20-26-30-32 PR

I am still doing them with kettlebells or dumbbells...maybe next time I will actually try a barbell...we shall see.

Friday, January 9, 2009


- 400 meter run
- 21 Kettlebell swings (24 kg)
- 12 pullups 3 rounds for time

I missed doing "DEFYght Gone Bad" last night because I was sick...I felt like I had been run over by train or perhaps pummeled by the school bully...suffice it to say, I was achy all over.

It may have been a good idea to miss tonight as well, except for the fact that Helen is my all time favorite workout and there was no way I was going to miss it! So I put on my Jock hat, sucked it up and went.....I don't think I did too badly, I actually improved my time a bit....

Time: 14:11 using mini bands on the medium bar.

Tomorrow Turkish Getups....I go from my favorite to my least favorite. But I am sucking it up and embracing the TGU's!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Power Cleans from the Hang


I want to get this SO badly I can taste it!!! I think I am going to start working on it as part of my warmup.....

I did okay....
65 ~ 70 ~ 75 ~ 75 ~ 65

It was so nice to have Octavia, Ali and Doug back in the fold!!

Tomorrow....."DEFYght Gone Bad" !

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


As prescribed:
5 rounds for max reps of:
- Bodyweight bench press
- Pullups

Scaled down:
Scale one exercise to bring the reps equivalent to the other, or scale both so to allow 10-12 repetitions in the first round.

There is no time component to this workout. Recommended rest time is 1-3 minutes between sets.

Good workout tonight...Rich shared some bench press tips that helped A LOT!!!

I decided to go with 85 lbs and ended up doing the following:
8-10-9-7-6 ~ my lowest round of 6 was actually the highest number that I got last time....I am very pleased with that improvement.

On pullups I used minis on the medium bar (it is no longer low) with a jump:

Monday, January 5, 2009


50-, 40-, 30-, 20-, and 10-rep rounds of:
- Jump squats (45/35)
- Push presses (45/35)for time

I seriously considered not going to workout tonight because I was feeling quite nauseated but in the end, decided to suck it up and go. I figured I could leave early if worse came to worse and besides I knew that Cheri had some Tums available on the I took 2, dug deep (like Coach is teaching me how to) and did the workout.

Considering how I was feeling I did not do too badly....I finished in 23:58

Saturday, January 3, 2009


- 100 pullups
- 100 pushups
- 100 situps
- 100 squats for time

Complete all reps of each exercise before moving on to the next.

This was the first time doing this workout and I liked it alot actually. I did better than I thought I would...I did use the following modifications:

Red Bands and Incline Pushups

I finished in 26:15

We then had an Olympic Weightlifting Clinic....very, very interesting! I am finding the whole Olympic and Powerlifting "thing" very intriguing and challenging. I very much prefer cleans to snatches...anything overhead is pretty difficult for this point in time anyway.

Friday, January 2, 2009

2 Mile Run

4 rounds, each for time, of 800 meter runs

Today was one of those workouts that is really painful while doing it but feels so good afterwards!

It helped that Coach ran with me to keep my pace somewhat consistent! He is teaching me to dig deep and for that I am very grateful.

Round 1: I felt pretty good and finished in 5:17
Round 2: I was starting to feel it and Coach's pacing helped a lot....I finished in 5:14
Round 3: Coach pushed me to go faster and dig deep, I give it my best, breathless effort and finished in 5:01
Round 4: Holy Crap I was tired and out of breath but with Coach's prompting I still finished in 5:17

I am very hopeful that this will help increase my time the next time I do Helen!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

CrossFit Total

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep


CrossFit Total is one of my favorite workouts but I do tend to take it a little to seriously. I think I may actually do better if I relaxed a little....that being said, I am still pleased with my results today.

Last time we did CrossFit Total....I did the following:

Back Squat: 145
Shoulder Press: 85
Deadlift: 230

For a Total of 460


Back Squat: 155 (PR)
Shoulder Press: 85
Deadlift: 255

For a Total of 495...a pretty good way to start the New Year!!