Tuesday, January 13, 2009


21-, 15-, and 9-rep rounds of:
- Renegade Rows (35/25#)
- KB Swings (32/24 kg)for time

I bought this wonderful little spiral notebook today with the idea that I could easily carry it in my bag and be able to jot down my workouts and then transfer them over to my blog and big notebook. But it kinda defeats the purpose if you leave your little notebook at the gym....ARGH!

Lets see, I did use one modification...I used a 20# dumbbell instead of the 25

I finished in 13:38....I believe that is right.

The workout was tough....like dripping sweat from your forehead onto the floor tough, that being said....I still kinda liked it. I think I have lost my mind....

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job Patty! I like the fact that we finally have something that causes you to drip sweat too!!
