Thursday, January 15, 2009



Okay, because I have this need to be honest....I kinda of backslid in my attempt to always maintain a positive attitude. I was talking with my friend Lisa on the phone and mentioned in casual conversation that I thought Snatches sucked....well, she mentioned it to Coach during her workout and he called me on well he should always have someone in their life who calls them on their crap.

Here is the funny thing, even though I mentioned that to her in casual conversation, on the way to the workout instead of doing my usual "this is going to be terrible" ; "I'm going to be worst one"; "what if I drop the bar on head"; etc. thinking....I was actually doing the opposite , "you can do this"; "no problem"; "it's in the bag" and it actually worked!!

Coach has been telling me forever (well at least since we have been working together) that "if you think you are going to fail then you already have" (I might not have the quote exactly right but you get the jist) and you know what he is right!! Really right!!

I actually think I like Snatches.....there I said it!! I'm thrilled!!

My weight was not that heavy but they felt pretty darn good!!


Now, I guess I should put a call into Lisa and tell her I was wrong......

1 comment:

  1. You are one funny chicka!! I'm glad you are finally seeing the light and believing in yourself! The snatches looked good!
