Monday, February 9, 2009

"DEFYght Gone Bad" - 3 rounds

at each of 5 stations:
- Wallball (20 lbs/16 lbs)
- Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75 lbs/55 lbs)
- Box jumps (20")
- Push press (75 lbs/55 lbs)
- Double-unders (replaces the rowing in the original FGB)

No rest between stations; 60 seconds rest between rounds.

Each repetition completed with full range-of-motion counts as a point. Complete three rounds for total points

The only modification I had was tuck jumps in place of double unders (I still cannot do those darn things)

The first round I actually ended up doing 75 lbs for the push press and was a complete mistake but I only did 5 reps less then on the next two rounds...I guess I am getting!

I finished with 175 total points


  1. You are stronger than you think you are!! Everyone says so...someday you'll believe us!!
    Awesome job!!

  2. That's awesome Patty! Even if it was a mistake using the 75# you must have been really crankin' through them, WAY TO GO!!!
