Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Kettlebell Hell"

Tabata Intervals (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest repeated 8 times) applied in turn to:
- Front squat
- Double clean-and-jerk
- Alternating floor press
- Alternating rows

with a one-minute rotation break between exercises.
(24/16 kg)

Score is total number of reps in the workout

I am very pleased to say that I did this workout "as prescribed" in the black baby!!! I'm also pleased to say that there is no place to go but up.....I don't think my numbers could be any lower then were today.

~Front Squat ~ I managed to eek out 16 reps
~Double Clean and Jerk ~ I got 8, one every 20 seconds
~Alternating Floor Press ~ 38
~Alternating Rows ~ 8 and that was with Coach assisting me in getting the darn kettlebells off the floor and overhead

16/8/38/8 = 70

Overall it was a pretty painful workout....which showed by a bit bitchiness that occurred after the workout...I try not to get that way because then there are no amends that need to be made after the fact. I failed at that tonight but hopefully it is out of my system for a long time to come.

1 comment:

  1. You kicked some major butt PATTY! Freakin' Awesome! BTW- I think you have the rows and the floor press reps/comments backwards up there...Probably because you left it all on the floor!
