Friday, September 4, 2009

NASA Colorado Powerlifting Meet

What in the world would possess a 46 year old woman, who has never been athletic her entire life and in addition has never participated in any kind of sport, enter a Powerlifting Meet?

It takes a couple of key ingredients:

An amazing Coach who gets the best out of regular, everyday, working people and motivates them so much they think they can do anything!

A great group of fellow students who offer nothing but encouragement!

And that is how I found myself at the NASA Colorado Powerlifting one day in August 2009. The whole day had a somewhat surreal feeling to it...from the moment I walked up to the table to actually register, the weigh-in, the pre-meet athlete meeting during which I had this distinct "How Did I Get Here" feeling...yet feeling so much pride, to be in a room with all these amazing people.

The first event was Back Squat and I was scheduled to go on FIRST!! I walked to the front of the room, chalked up, walked to bar and followed Coach's direction and started to squat...."down, down, down, down...good" and then I came back up.... the first lift was done in all of 30 seconds.

And that is how it went throughout the day....I missed only one lift on Bench, other then that everything was successful! I even got my first trophy (well plate) for being first in my weight class in the novice division.

What's next? Another meet in November and this time I hope to go heavier and be a little more daring in my lifts!

1 comment:

  1. Patty, you rock!! You totally kicked ass, and came out the other side a different woman. Another competition or two, and you WILL be at the summit of Everest in no time!
