Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Kettlebell Hell"

Tabata Intervals (20 seconds work/10 seconds rest repeated 8 times) applied in turn to:
- Front squat
- Double clean-and-jerk
- Alternating floor press
- Bent-over rows
with a one-minute rotation break between exercises.

(24/16 kg)

Score is total number of reps in the workout

I have made a decison to really crank up my workout's and part of that entails learning how to dig deep and do more then I think can. With Coach and Ellen encouraging me.....I managed to do 21 more reps then I did last time....21!!!! What a great feeling!

~ Front Squat = 16
~ Double clean-and-jerk = 12
~ Alternating floor press = 17
~ Bent-over rows = 46


1 comment:

  1. You did fantastic!! Keep the determination and your dig deeper mindframe will payoff!!
