Monday, June 1, 2009


Complete AMRAP* in 20 minutes of:
- 5 pullups
- 10 pushups
- 15 squats

*AMRAP: As Many Rounds As Possible

Cindy was a butt kicker tonight...I got very few rounds in BUT I worked incredibly hard to get what I got!!

Let's talk about the modifications:

I used the Blue Bands from a Dead Hang on the High Bar

My Pushups were negatives...meaning I started from the up position and fought my way all the way down to my chest and hips and then swooped back up and did it all over again. Very, very least for me.

My squats were down as low as I could go, pushing from my heels not my toes with my knees tracing my toes. I actually liked weird is that?!

That being said...I got in 5 Rounds plus pullups + pushups + 7 Squats.

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