Thursday, April 23, 2009

5000/3000 lbs overhead for time

Using any lift and weight, or combination of lifts and weights, move a total of 5000 lbs (men) or 3000 lbs (women) from the floor to locked out overhead in the shortest time possible.

This was a new workout....I liked it but my time was not great...I don't know how others were getting it done in 6 minutes and under....I will have to try harder next time!

I used a 60 lb barbell doing the clean and push press ~ 50 reps.

Time: 10:07

1 comment:

  1. Think about it rationally, 10 minutes to lift 3000 lbs from the floor to overhead, is pretty darn tootin' good!
    Hmmm...not sure what I would have done....
