Thursday, April 2, 2009


5 minutes turkish getups for reps (24/16 kg)
- rest 2 minutes
- 5 minutes cleans for reps (135/95#)
- rest 2 minutes
- 5 minutes Handstand pushups for reps
Score is total number of combined reps for the workout

I can see how this would be a really fun workout....I would have loved to have done it as close to presribed as possible! But, since I went to the doctor today and she said that my wrist is sprained, I am trying to take it easy. So I did the following modifications of the workout:

Turkish Getups (I tried the 16 kg and it wasn't happening) 12 lbs ~ 8 Total Reps
Instead of Cleans I did 2-handed Kettlebell Swings; 16 kg ~ 80 Reps
Instead of Handstand pushups I did Shoulder Press; 65 lbs ~ 19 Reps

Overall not too bad BUT I SO wanted to do cleans....I even tried one, turned out not to be a good idea but I just had to try!

1 comment:

  1. Next time - the cleans are yours for the taking!
    Nice job!! That's alot of KB swings!
