Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Friday 4/10/09 ~ "Filthy Stations" - two rounds

Variation on the "Filthy Fifty": 1 minute stations; no rest between stations; 2 minutes rest between rounds.

- box jumps (24"/20")
- jumping pullups
- kettlebell swings (16 kg/12 kg)
- walking lunges - knees-to-elbows
- push press (45#/35#)
- back extensions
- wallballs (20#/16#)
- burpees
- double-unders
for total reps

I was SO pleased to have done this workout as prescribed! This is a really tough workout but it was made especially tough because there was only Ellen and I there and two Coach's ~ Jonathan and Rich! My numbers were not great but considering how much attention was paid to form..I don't feel too bad about itBold.

Total Reps: 215

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